


Let yourself be taken to the most representative and fascinating places of Cartagena in a colombian tour.

In this tour, we will enjoy the magic of the cobblestone streets, churches, museums and squares of old Cartagena, the contrast between the opulence and magnificence of Calamari and the warmth and discreet charm of Getsemaní.

We then pass to “Isla Manga“, where besides visiting the fort of Pastelillo, we can enjoy the architecture of the Republican and Moorish style houses of the city of Cartagena at the beginning of the twentieth century, from there we will pass to San Felipe fort de Barajas, the largest sample of military architecture left by the Spaniards in America.

We finish our itinerary in the modern part of the city, with a walk around the Bay with the best view of the island of Tierra Bomba, the Bocagrande canal and the beach area.

Magical places to visit

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cartagena colombia travel guide agency

We are a passionate and trustful full-service Cartagena Travel Agency. We focus on offering Luxury and unique, perfectly-tailored travel experiences in Cartagena Colombia.

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+57 314 689 64 18 / Cartagena - COL

+1 305 280 4185 / Miami - USA

Cra. 66 #42-61 Getsemani, Cartagena Colombia

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Get In Touch Now, Any Special Request Will And Can Be Taken Care Of, At Cartagena Experience Your Colombia Cartagena Travel To Paradaise & Happiness Is Guaranteed!

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